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E-mails from myself????

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eihpos | 11:52 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | Technology
4 Answers
My e-mail address is with Yahoo who are good at segregating Spam, but over the last few days I have had numerous e-mails giving sender details as MY e-mail address. What is this latest scam and how are they diong it?
I don't really want to change my address.
Any comments or ideas greatly received.



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Spammers are very cleaver and can harvest any mail ID and can then use it. We careful.
Same here eihpos!!! And when i've clicked on the "click here to unsubscribe" it takes me to a "pharmacy" selling Viagra.
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Thanks Bathsheba

As I don't need viagra i'll just keep deleting them!!
Well bathsheba

were they any good?


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E-mails from myself????

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