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memory card help !!!

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leeandjoanne | 08:39 Wed 17th Dec 2008 | Technology
14 Answers
i have a sd card which io want to fill with pics to putin a digi frame for my mum for xmas . butmost of my best pics are stored on the computer can i transfer them to the sd card and how do i do it ? simple instructions please !!! ta xx


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Hi , just take your SD card out of your camera , and slot it into the SD slot you should have either on a laptop or on your tower . Wait til you get a screen asking you options and click on the view files . You will then have your SDcards album open , minimise it . Now get your page of pics that you have on your comp . put these minimised pages side by side , and simply drag across which pics you want onto your SDcard . It may sound complicated hun , but I can do it so you will too :-) x
Yes, it will come up with a box of options, and one of the options will be to transfer photos from the computer onto your card.
Question Author
ok wellive put the card in got a box and it says usb drive copy pictures to folder on my computer veiw a slide show print pics open folder or take no action is it usb >
highlight the thumbnails of the pics you want, right click and select "send to".. and you should have an option of USB memory stick (or something like). click that and they should copy over.

or, if you can open to view the pics on the stick, just drag the pc pics onto that window.
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ive sent to usb drive now when i take memory card out and put bk in the camera the pic isnt there ??
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the pic shows up on that its been transferred on the screen but not when i take the memory card out and put bk in the camera
Put your SD card back in the comp , is it showing all your desired pics on there when you view file ?
If you�ve got a card slot on your computer you need to establish that it can �write� as well as �read� for the above to work.
If you�ve got a camera that might be the easiest way. Put the card in the camera, plug it in and click �Start�, then �my computer� and it should show up as �removable disk� Click on that and it�ll open a new window. You can then drag your pics into that window. Only caveat with that is you may have �on board� memory on your camera which it�ll fill up before it starts loading your pics onto the card but that's easily overcome.
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yea to get the pics up i click on dcim then dscam then the pictures are all in there ??
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sorry for being dumb but i really need to try and sort this today thanks ppl
Sorry I haven't been much help , mine worked how I did it and I'm using my SDcard for the same reason as yu , to put onto a digital photo frame for my step-father.
I do hope you manage it honey x
Did it the other day, insert blank sd card to computer, just bring the photos up wherever you have stored them. right click on each one and send to whatever removeable disc takes the sd card, I am sure you can do this with more than one at a time but I did it individually and it took no time at all.
yea to get the pics up i click on dcim then dscam then the pictures are all in there ?? </>

They are in the wrong place. you have them in a folders (one called dcim and another under that called dscam)

They need to be at the top level of the card, not in folders otherwise the frame won't find them.

Find the pictures on the card (so you can see all the incividual files, not a folder) press ctrl + a to highlight them all, then ctrl + x (to select them all for moving) press the up button at the top of the window twice (to take you back to the top level of the card so you can see the dcim folder) then press ctrl + v (to move the files to the location you are now in)

Put the card back in the frame and it should work.
Done well with my Italics.... Not!!! ^^^

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memory card help !!!

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