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splodge24 | 18:33 Fri 15th Oct 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
Can anyone tell me the website address to download the new MSN plus? Cheers guys!
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thanks joanne!

you could also try this has lots of stuff for messenger

Ok one word of wisdom before installing MSN messenger plus:

MSN messenger plus is a 3rd party add-on for MSN messenger. even though it comes with "cool" stuff, it is also LOADED with SPYWARE. You will get loads of Add-on toolbars that won't go away, even if you uninstall messenger. Basically it infects your computer with LOADS of viruses. trust me i had messenger plus for a while and ive only just got rid of the spyware.

so its pretty pointless getting it and it ******* up your computer in the process

Good luck getting rid of the viruses when , or if you get messenger plus!

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