I have just discovered that my spell check on OE6 is in french....arghhh and there is no other option there. How can this be and what can i do to change it please... Soo
OE doesn't have a spellchecker of it's own, it uses the office one if installed so it's that you have to change.
Firstly click start > control panel and then goto regional and language settings and make sure everything is set to English(UK)
if you are still spell checking in French then
Click start and then either Microsoft office tools or Microsoft office > Microsoft office tools. then select microsoft office language settings and make sure everything there is set to english(UK) too.
Chuck's instructions set the interface to English but don't affect the default language of the spell-checker.
Dunno which version of Wod you have, but in Office 2007 you need to:
First make sure that OE is closed completely
Run Word
Down at the bottom left, you will see the page, word count and language.
Click on the language
Select UK English in the list, then click the button "Default"
Close Word
Re-open OE et voila! (or hopefully not)
I use two computers withOffice 2007 and I tried the following: one worked but the computer with XP 64 did not. Login to the following site and hope it works for you.