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retrieveing deleted photos

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hanhol | 10:23 Mon 02nd Feb 2009 | Technology
6 Answers
ive just downloaded my photos onto computer and immediately erased them off my camera but i have discovered that some of the photographs didnt download, is there a way i can retrieve them from my camera...i havent taken any more pictures and the camera hasnt been touched since i discovered this..


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I would imagine that, having deleted them from your camera, they will be gone for good.

I dont think cameras have a "recycle bin" like a PC, where you can retrieve deleted files
if it shows as a "hard drive" when you plug it into the computer than normal file recovery software will work (maybe)

try this 2094_4-10694796.html?tag=mncol

It worked for me. Good luck
Would that still work, even if it was an SD card used in the camera, as opposed to the camera's onboard memory?
All you need is the SD card, and (providing it hasn't been used since) you should be able to retrieve the LAST set of images from the card.
NEVER NEVER NEVER delete the pictures off your camera until you have put them onto a reliable storage medium like a CD or DVD.

I do as follows:

1) Copy my pictures from camera to PC. Check that all the pictures on the camera have been downloaded on to the PC. DO NOT delete pictures from camera yet.

2) Copy the pictures from your PC to CD or DVD. You now have them on a secure medium (CD or DVD).

3 NOW you can delete them from your camera as you know you now have them on your PC AND a CD or DVD.


a) If you only have your pictures on your PC or laptop that can crash at any time and you could lose everything. Or it may get stolen, or you may leave it on a train and so on.

b) also note that EVERY time you edit a picture and save it again you are losing some of the quality. Even rotating a picture loses some quality. The JPEG format does have a weakness that editing the file and saving it loses quality.

By having the master pictures "backed up" to CD or DVD (before you edit or change them) you know you always have the "master" pictures if you ever need them.

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