Can somebody tell me the name of a cable with red, white and yellow on one end and a headphone plug on the other. I have tried cutting and joining but wires too thin, and eyesight not that briliant. This is still an ongoing problem with my tv sound. Could not understand a word on Candleford last night.
If you mean red, white and yellow phono plugs, then the jack on the other end is not a headphone jack. These leads typically connect older camcorders to telly and consist of red and white (L and R audio) and yellow (composite video). The jack is Tip, Ring1, Ring2, Sleeve, as opposed to Ring,Tip, Sleeve of a headphone jack.
Further to my answer,Maplin L51BA ,L52BA,L53BA and L54BA all have the charecteristics you describe.The first two are described as Panasonic camcorder leads and are 1.5m or 3.0 metres respectively.The other two are described as Sony camcorder leads and are 1.5 or 3.0 metres long. 9308 covers L51BA