What is the best Netbook for G.C.S.E in The AnswerBank: Computers
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What is the best Netbook for G.C.S.E

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THE PERSON | 15:17 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | Computers
3 Answers
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would be the best netbook for GCSE's 9 or 10 inch anything would be helpful.


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I bought a Samsung NC10 just before Christmas and it performs really well. Better than Asus EEPC. Has all the usual wifi / ethernet / usb connections. Don't need a CDRom drive. It got a good review on Ch5 Gadget show this week.
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Looks good nice sized keyboard too although its a bit pricey perhaps...
Why specifically a netbook (and not a larger laptop)?

And what do you mean 'for GCSEs'? Just typing, spreadsheets, posters? If you just mean this, then any laptop or netbook will be able to do these tasks.

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What is the best Netbook for G.C.S.E

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