Windows is blocking access
I have just downloaded an out-of-copyright book from in a zipped format.
However, when I try to unzip it, I get the following message: "Windows has blocked access to these files to help protect your computer". It also has a link to " can I open them?" which,when I click on it gives me the following "help":
Is there any way I can open files that have been blocked?
If you are certain that you trust this file and want to open it, follow the instructions below.
Save the file onto your computer.
Click Start, click My Computer, and navigate to the file that you saved.
Right-click the file that you saved, and then click Properties.
Click Unblock near the bottom of the dialog box.
But no such "unblock" option is shown when I right click the zip file.
I have had to download the file in a different, unzipped, format but is there a way I could have unblocked it for when I next download an e-text?