WAP settings.. in The AnswerBank: Technology
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WAP settings..

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sara3 | 23:17 Sun 10th May 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
does anyone know where I can get the WAP GSM settings for a Blackberry Storm please?

I've looked on the Blackberry site but it's going to take at least a month to find anything on there!
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It's not blackberry's site you find the settings on, it's your service providers site.
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hi Chuck. btw.. the phone had a faulty battery, which is why it wouldn't switch on before!

I'm with O2 and they don't sell the Blackberry Storm. I have a really old tarriff (hence the old WAP settings), and they told me today that I can't use WAP settings with this tarriff now, and (of course) they want me to change my tarriff to something dearer.

I managed to get the WAP GSM settings for my old phone (a Nokia 6500) and it still connects to the net. I'd just like to switch over to the Blackberry :o/
BLackberrys are odd things, they require a proper blackberry data plan on the account for several of the features to work, if you are using a standard O2 account then the normal WAP settings will let you browse the internet using a thrid party browser (like opera mini) but not using the blackberry browser (that requires a blackberry account to work)

You also don't get the benefit of push email or being able to download and install extra apps.

You can use the full features while connected using wi-fi, but otherwise, without a proper account they just become fairly normal (if slightly large) phone :(
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well hey, I didn't pay for it! I guess I'll stick with the Nokia then.

I'll take it into work tomorrow and let the boys play with it ;o)

thanks again Chuck. I'll look at the browser options when I'm not so tired. night night x

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