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GTA San Adreas

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Matwit2004 | 19:07 Sat 06th Nov 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
Are there any tips for the mission reuniting the family. And where is the piolet school


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Has this anything to do with "Internet or Technology"???

if u have nothing constructive to post then why bother ?

try - may find something on their or someone else may have answered your question

You can drive to the airport, park up next to the security hut, climb onto roof of car, jump onto roof of hut and over the fence.

You'll find a "dodo" and a Lear jet somewhere at the back of the airfield, enter these as you would a car. After flying for a fair while (20% flying skill apparently) you are supposed to be granted a free pilot's licence.

Good luck!

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