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Taking Sky box to Cornwall

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YvonneM | 15:30 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | Technology
31 Answers
We are going on holiday to Cornwall and would like to take our Sky box with us Someone has said we have to tell Sky so that the signal we receive can be redirected is this true


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here is my sky box relaxing in the hotel room .
i have some more of him on the beach in his speedo's but will have to find them out olabud_photos/ebaystuff001.jpg?o=5

Are you sure that's your Sky Box... looks suspiciously like mine...
No-know.... if you can find a picture of a sky box in speedos I will be impressed :)
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Not really Zak- look at the numpties that come on 'ere ;-)
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Anyway... isn't the original question a mute one... do they even have electricity down in Cornwall? ;-)
pssst snags...moot point, not mute ;-)
why not slum it and take freeview?
a lot less bu@@erin@ about - just about the same level of inaine drivel

usb doobie for the lappy
maplins are clearing portables at the mo - not expensive ... and no doubt useful in the bedroom afterwards
(do you have kids?)

btw - your card will know it's away - that's how it knows which regional progs to show - no card bbc london.
pssst B00... Thanks :-)

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