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wii games

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gossipgirl | 17:09 Tue 23rd Jun 2009 | Technology
2 Answers
does anyone know where i can get a copy of the free wii sports game you get with the wii? my kids have scratched it to hell and back and it wont load. Its got boxing, tennis, baseball on ut


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ebay -only_W0QQ_kwZwiiQQ_kwZsportsQQ_kwZgameQQ_kwZo nlyQQ_ckwZcollection?_trksid=p3286.m104.l1198

though I wouldn't replace it for them, they will never learn to look after their stuff if you replace it when they break it!
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to be honest i want it more than them, me and my partner used to spend ages on there boxing eachother lol

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