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Fatal error: Uncaught exception

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BigDogsWang | 10:46 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi. I am trying to view a website which I have been doing for months, but it comes up with 'Fatal error: Uncaught exception', then lists a load of computer jargon which I don't understand. I have asked friends to log on to the sight and they all have the same problem. Can someone tell me why it's doing it?


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if it's happening to other people on other computers when they try and go to the site then the logical conclusion is that it's a problem with the site.

though the rest of the computer jargon might help us.
Do you have a link?
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It's OK guys, it's back up and running, Thanks for your help anyway.

i am sorry since you have mention your problem but not mention that site.

There is problem with site logging due to server failure. I think so.

Or may be your site is blocked.

it will be better to you to contact there where you had booked domain to registered your site.

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Fatal error: Uncaught exception

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