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Keys on Keyboard stuck....

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pastafreak | 23:23 Sat 14th Nov 2009 | Technology
45 Answers
I ave to use an old laptop,and several keys are stuck......I cannot even type in an email addy because te "at" symbol wont work......Wat can I do?????


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r u taking the michaela pasta?
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Ta daymurpy,,,,I will try it.
im not gonna even attempt to do that, my laptops brand new and very very expensive, £1000 range, mine dont need cleaning, im so rich i will just go buy new one when my keys get stuck, although i wont have that prob, coz i dont watch porn lmfao lololol
dont use a damp cloth, methylated spirits is better as it evaporates - you can swig it after.
As a lady you should be more worried about ya dongle. LOL
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Suzie....please be juvenile elsewere

No tambo...I am not takin te I said-serious Q....and I am not tecie-friendly
just coz im suzie, dont mean im a lady, i cud be a man
With a name like that, if you are a man, I'd still be worried about your dongle. LOL
lol i think you should worry about yours everton, sorry pasta im being very naughty, this is a serious question from pasta, Tamba please answer it mate, otherwise pasta wont be my friend :-{ pasta u seem to be typing fine for the prob you have
Nothing wrong with my dongle, but please don't mention my floppy disc. LOL
put a big towel over the keyboard and a bucket under your chair ( just incase of any drips.) next time.
we dont have the floppy anymore, we have cd rom, i dont think you quite fit the category lol......Now BEHAVE
Dun, ur a joker man, but i think we have taken over pastas thread, and forgotten about the question he asked
I've got plenty of R.A.M with my hard drive if that helps, much better than plug ins. LOL
yeah everton, just dont get your keys sticky.......
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I am female suzie!!

soz pasta was being a pain earlier, i have calmed down now though, hope you sorted your keys out.
To get @ without a working @ key you can hold down Alt and press 64. You must use the numberpad on the right of the keyboard, and NumLock must be on.

There are codes for other characters:
good god get a new from £4.00 from any supermarket
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