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Blue Screen

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SCOOP | 15:21 Fri 10th Dec 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
My Laptop screen keeps going blue and then restarting itself, it doesent stay on long enough for me to read what the problem is when it shuts itself down, this happens about 6 times a day or more.  Has anybody got any simple advice as i'm a novice at this sort of thing.  Cheers everyone


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You need to find out what is causing this.  It will tell you on the blue screen.  To keep the blue screen there so you can read it you need to go into control panel and click system.  Click the advanced tab and then click startup and revovery options.  In the bottom half of this new windown labelled system failure, uncheck the box with "automatically restart".  Next time you laptop crashes, the blue screen will stay there until you manually restart it.  You can then put some more info on here for the next step

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OK cheers for that Gandy, i'm gonna try and follow your instructions as i'm worried sick about this. Thanks
Let me know how you get on and what it says on the blue screen.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  It's probably just a faulty stick of memory which is easily (and cheaply) fixed.
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Check to be sure you have adequate disc space, if a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. try changing video adapters. Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates , disable BIOS memory such as caching or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press f8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.

Cheers Gandy and hope you can help as I am clueless already. Thanks

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