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Uninstall Problems

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TEAK36 | 08:24 Wed 22nd Dec 2004 | Technology
2 Answers

I have just bought a second hand pc for my kids,but every time I turn my PC on the AVG box appears say that this demo version has expired,and do I want to renew or uninstall.Whenever I choose uninstall,it goes through all the normal uninstall procedures,but stops before it has finished.I even tried using the system restore,but that failed too.I tried using different restore dates,but it still would not work.Ideally I would like to get the pc back to its original settings, but I do not have the restore discs.



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Could you not just renew it? Either way, I would email AVG and ask them, although they tend not to give advice unless you are a paying customer. I just have the AVG free edition. Maybe you could download that one and it would automatically override the out of date one on your pc?

Scarlett is right i'm sure if you install the new one it will replace the old one. System restore is not meant to uninstall programs.

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