I need some advice on using websites with a class of reception children. I found a website that worked well but the children kept clicking off the page they were meant to be using, is there a way of 'locking' the screen so they can still use that page but can't easily move to a different page? I thought there was a 'screen lock' button on the keyboard but I can't see one!
had maximised the window but it was the toolbars that were causing problems! mouse control is at a minimum for the children so they just click anywhere! will have a go at that and see if it helps! thank you!
thanks squarebear! didn't know of that one! I think another problem is that they right click without realising, might put a sticker on the left button so they know which one is 'correct'
ooh they look good as well chuck! will see if I can download them at the school as that will save loads of time trying to get the kids to stay on the site they're meant to!