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i'm going to America in June, where can i get an I-Phone from to bring back?

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spewy | 18:47 Fri 07th May 2010 | Technology
2 Answers
need to find somewhere that i can get an i-phone on pay as you go so i can bring it back an get it unlocked. tried looking on the internet can't find any shops that sell them PAYG.


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you would also risk getting caught bringing it into the UK and having to pay the duty on it (or having it confiscated) in which case I can't see it working out any cheaper.
Just to add a little to Chuck's answer. All new iPhones in the US have to be sold with an AT&T monthly contract. There are no PAYG versions yet.
Also remember that US prices are quoted without sales tax (like our VAT). By the time you add that and the exchange loss and any import duty you'll probably find it pretty close to European prices

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i'm going to America in June, where can i get an I-Phone from to bring back?

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