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Connecting a projector to Sky

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jb190281 | 22:28 Tue 25th May 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
How do I connect a Clearco HD9000 projector to my Sky box?


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You need a Scalar box ...
Save me typing it all out, a lot of info here.
Search that forum for other results, too.
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thanks Al, i'll take a look at that tmrw when my eyes arent forcing me to sleep!
: )
Or just use the s-video input on the projector
Apologies, ignore my last link, that cable is the wrong direction (scart input, not scart output)

a switchable adaptor will make sure it's capable of working in the correct direction

and then just a s-video lead

and a standard audio lead such as you'd use to connect hi-fi equipment.

or you could connect it using composite rather than s-video, which will be slightly lower quality.
The scalar boxes are worth it. I've fitted a few. It keeps the video signal in component form.
Anything less (S, Composite) is a loss you don't need to have.
Question Author
Al and Chuck, thank you both very much, items now ordered!

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Connecting a projector to Sky

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