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sending texts abroad

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TrudyTrudy | 09:42 Wed 26th May 2010 | Technology
3 Answers
I apologise in advance if this is a silly question - I want to send a text to my friend on holiday in Alaska, is it as simple as pressing SEND and she will receive it or do I have to contact Orange to gain permission or pay extra for her to receive it? Or does she foot the bill?


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It depends if her phone is set up to recieve texts in the USA (not all phones are).

I think she will have to pay to recieve it.

You dont need to talk to Orange, just send it. If her phone is "online" she will get it.
as long as their phone is enabled for roaming and they have a quad band phone then all you do is send the message as normal.

oranges site seems to imply that it won't cost them to receive the messages
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Thank you both for the advice x

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sending texts abroad

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