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smart phones

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cazzz1975 | 20:11 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
8 Answers
I am looking at upgrading to a smartphone, I was interested in the nokia x6 but read some iffy review on amazon from people reporting problems with them, I am interested in the N8 which is supposed to be released in august. can anyone suggest a good smart phone that has some good apps, I know about the iphone, I was just wondering what the nokia ones with ovi apps were like?


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Just get an iPhone. The best of the best.
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Im not a fan of itunes, I would have thought by now there would be some decent alternatives to an iphone
Nope. Don't know what your issues are with iTunes. Simple to use.
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Im not a fan of its file handling backup and restore. its a nuisence when you have 2 devices on one account. it struggles to deal with them.
HTC HD2 if you can get one - it's a bit of a slab and needs a hack to get voice dialling, but there's a huge array of applications for Windows Mobile. It's what I'm trying to get hold of.
buy anything exept an iphone. i have a x6 nokia and is easy to use and just download apps through the phone not from internet but just got rid of iphone 3g and the problems with it was unbelievable. reception loss, calls would fail, coma mode, when things weren't working right you'd have to turn it off to get it to work properly. I was prepared to throw it up the wall. The ipod part of the phone is brill but the phone is more hassle than its worth. good phone but toomany niggly probs and the 4giphone has problems to, especially if you hold it wrong...

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