Just signed up to facebook in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Just signed up to facebook

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TheOtherHalf | 09:40 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | Family & Relationships
7 Answers
Ive only just signed up as my family of which there are 100`s, are all on it and putting family photos etc and I wasnt able to see them, so they finally persuaded me. I dont know why I didnt do it sooner. Think I was a bit wary but as long as I dont put too much private info on mine its ok isnt it. I think its fantastic. I never knew there was so much communication going on between all my neices, nephews, gt neices /nephews etc. Although my son wont let me onto his. Says hes got too much personal stuff on there. Fair enough.
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It can be very funny....

Do you want to add any of us aber's?
yup I am on there and its nice to chat with family and friends. Watch which apps you allow access to your profile if any and keep your profile locked down to friends, not friends of friends.
yes, I can talk to jno jnr in real life (though all I get is grunts), but not on FB!
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Done that Woof . Locked it to friends only as we have a right lot at work who I dont want on as friends even.
My mother still refuses to join, to be honest I'm not sure she'd like it, our family are a little tetchy, also she's very concerned about her information being sold & she can be quite a paranoid person.
yes, many older people have a very negative view of it...strangely believing its destroying the aret of communication and friendship - far from it, in fact its the opposite...i am in more contact with more people than ever, and its great to chat to people that i probably wouldnt write a letter to or phone or have lost touch with
I have so many family members on there and it's fantastic. So many people had drifted and when my nan died I vowed I'd make sure people kept in touch better. Main focus were my cousins on my mum's side and I now have every single one on there, including some of their children who are old enough.

My brother and I are the youngest by quite a way so I never really got to know some of the older ones, especially as one and his family lived abroad and FB has made a massive difference to that and I've spoken with and spent so much more time with them since.

I decided I wanted to get my dad to get to know me better so I put him on. He never posts or messages or anything like that but mum (who can't even turn the computer on bless her), says he goes on it every day and comes down and gives her little updates about what I'm up to. He is so much more chatty on the phone as well, rather than just getting mum he chats more now.

When my mum came up on my last birthday she said my dad had suggested I have a winter coat for my birthday as I'd mentioned I was cold on there haha :)

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