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Unsolicited Phone Calls

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rov1200 | 13:45 Fri 17th Sep 2010 | Technology
15 Answers
We received a spam phone call today and the caller's number was 00. The guy spoke with an American accent. How do they achieve this and why that number?


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We always get automated sale phone calls between 6pm to 7pm with a witheld number. Quite a nuisance, I too love to know how to block these kind of calls.
They spoof the number they call you from so you can't trace them. A bit like a spammer can spoof anyone's email address.
00 means international (non-US) calls. So it is probably an Indian call centre. They have withheld the main part of the number. It was probably a recording or a false accent.
I don't get spam calls cos I have them blocked at source by BT - think its called preferential calls or something like that - try googling in block spam calls - although expect another ABer will come up with the link - they sort most things!
TPS telephone preference swrvice.
We've joined the TPS too, less than £40 p.a., has cut down on a huge amount of spam calls, and if one gets through (which it did the other night) you report them to TPS and they take steps to stop them.
Sometimesit has answered your question. Either "zero zero" or "we do not have the caller's number to return the call", when you dial 1471, means that you were called from overseas.

Registering with TPS is a sound idea but it won't block calls from overseas. (UK companies using overseas call centres have to stick to the TPS rules but firms which are actually based overseas aren't bound by the TPS rules).

If Boxtops is paying 'less than £40 p.a.' for TPS registration, I sincerely hope that the amount she's paying is actually £40 less than £40 p.a. TPS registration is FREE!

Hi Chris - well spotted, you are quite correct. We are registered with the Call Prevention Registry (not TPS) which costs us about £36 a year. We find that really effective - I had been with TPS for some time previously and although you have to pay, this seems an effective alternative.
As Buenchico has said you can't stop the ones from abroad i had loads call my last phone number.
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As BOL10X has raised the subject of surveys it is pertinent to note that TPS restrictions do not apply to market research calls.
I get round that one by refusing to give any information over the phone - particularly if someone rings cold, asking me to confirm my name and address. If you don't know it already, I ain't playing.
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Thanks for your answers.

The phone message received was a tape recorded one and repeated itself. It said you had won a holiday and I should press 9 which of course I did not..

I believe if I had gone ahead and done so they could use my line to dial any number they wished and the bill would land on my doorstep.

You would think the telephone companies would know how to deal with this scam. I have read that some innocent phone users have been clobbered for £100's and have no redress.
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It's an international call. I have also got a call from this kind of number. All I did was to trace the call details with uk who called me. I got the caller's name and address. You can also do the same to know the details of the person who called you.
For more details, you can visit

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Unsolicited Phone Calls

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