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iphone 4

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delmac85 | 20:47 Sun 26th Sep 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
Can anybody tell me doe's this phone use a normal sim card that can be transfered to another phone?


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iphone uses a crystal sim card which is much smaller than a regular sim card
When you say normal sim, I assume you mean the mini-sim. Normal (standard size) sim being the size of a credit card.

The iPhone 4 uses a micro-sim, but this does come on a standard size Sim card. In fact you have to snap the micro-sim out of the mini-sim which can in turn be snapped out of the standard sim.

Don't snap the micro-sim out of the mini-sim in the first place, or if you can't avoid that then there are adapters that will allow you to put a micro-sim into a phone that takes a mini-sim.
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