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Microsoft Product Key is lost or mislaid

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NONREV | 12:21 Sat 05th Feb 2011 | Technology
10 Answers
My wife bought a Dell laptop about nine months ago and removed the multicoloured label that would have been stuck to the side or bottom of the laptop The (COA) CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERATION CONTAINED THE PRODUCT KEY. A message comes up asking her to register with the Product Key Code. How can she find how to do this.



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"A message comes up asking her to register with the Product Key Code."

Register what, Windows?
For Vista ... http://pcsupport.abou...s/ht/findvistakey.htm ... because it's what I use.

You need to include AS MUCH info as possible for specific help really.
... or right-click 'Computer' and look at 'Properties' ... maybe.
Download this system info checker ...

Under 'Operating System' will be shown the OS key that is in use.
That's the easy way to find it, as it is encrypted in the registry.
Bring back XP, when it wasn't encrypted in the registry, lol
XP key is encrypted. Previous versions are not.
My mistake, it was too.
As has been said on your other question, the copy of Office on her laptop would have been a trial (so many days). Nobody would get MS Office for free on a laptop.

To continue using office she will need to buy it, and then enter the product key for MS Office.

The one on the bottom of her laptop will have been for Windows (and even if you know little about computers why on earth would you remove that and throw it away).
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Microsoft Product Key is lost or mislaid

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