Crosswords56 mins ago
Can you recommend any good websites that provide information on the British Royal Family
A. There are lots of sites devoted to information on the Royal Family, some of the best include the following:
Being the official website of the British monarchy, this site contains all the information that the Royal Family wants you to know about them, so don't expect any revealing gossip on any family members here. It contains the official biographies of all the family members that carry out public duties, including the most obscure ones; the Royal family tree; and information on visiting the Queen's residencies e.g. Windsor Castle, and you can book tickets to Buckingham Palace online.
The best part of the site is its frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that tells you what the crown jewels actually are, where the National Anthem came from and what cars the queen uses - fascinating!
Unofficial British Royal Family Pages
Although it may not have the Royal seal of approval this site does not carry any detrimental information on the Royal Family�- its content is pretty staid e.g. links to articles in the British press, birthdays, weddings, family tree, and biographies on members of the family. You can also trade (by or sell) royal memorabilia here too.
This site is supposed to be a general information resource on the Royal Family, but is a bit Diana-heavy including lots of information on the conspiracy theories surrounding her death and the history of her family home, Althorp House. It does however, have some good pages on the Queen, the Duke of York and the Kent's.
There are lots of sites devoted to Diana, many full of conspiracy theories surrounding her untimely death, this one however is a bit more sophisticated and pays due respect to the woman. It contains information on her family, her upbringing, her charity work and her memorial fund and is a favourite site with her millions of fans around the world. The site is very readable as it offers a balanced and unbiased account of Diana's life that is neither too gushing nor too damning.
This site is not only the official word on the heir to the throne, but he regularly contributes to it and it carries official information on William and Harry too. It is easy to navigate and you can tell that a lot of work has gone into the design and planning of the site. It contains information on what Charles does every day, his hobbies, his speeches and his sometimes controversial views.
Although not the official site, it might as well be as it is very reverential to the monarch which can be a bit overbearing - but it does carry some good information on the history of the Royal Family and is a good site for children to visit for school projects as everything is explained very clearly and accurately.
This site is one of the best on the Royal Family as a whole as it covers the history of the 20th Century, as well as the life of the Queen Mother. This site is also quite revealing about the Queen Mother and depicts her as the backbone to the Royal Family, with an iron will and a great mind - which is very refreshing as we usually only see her as an old lady and never really hear her views on anything in the popular press.
Other member-specific websites that are worth a visit include those on Prince William, Prince Philip and the Queen's wilder sister, Princess Margaret.
If you get tired of trawling through reverential sites check out Throne Out it is very anti-royal and a great read.
Alternatively you can visit the online versions of popular royalty magazines for all your information on the Royal Family and order back copies of the paper issues. The two leading contenders in the UK are Majesty and Royalty . If you only want the official word, then check out the official royal magazine - Royal Insight . If, however, you just want glossy pics and a bit of gossip check out Hello magazine online.
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By Karen Anderson