Irish Author's Binder, One With A...
Crosswords1 min ago
Asks panda
A. A weblog or blog as they are sometimes known, is an online diary.
Q. Who writes them
A. Anyone can write one and become a 'blogger' and most of the ones you'll
find online are written by ordinary people ' they're just after a bit of
Q. What are they like
A. They are usually a cross between the diaries of Bridget Jones and Adrian
Mole ' but often not as funny and they've moved on from being simply text
based to including a photo of the diarist and some animation, plus a chat
section that allows you to comment on what you've read or join in on a
discussion or debate. Some weblogs can be cringingly personal, but the
success of any diary or weblog is bound up in the fact that they tell
everything warts and all, and once you get hooked on a weblog they can
become addictive and hard to give up ' you start caring about the person
especially if they are funny, and you forget that they should get a life
instead of sharing it with the world. But the majority of them are pretty
Q. How would I find a weblog online, or actually start writing one myself
A. You can either trawl through a search engine and they will literally
throw back thousands of blogs at you, or you can go through a weblog portal
like (this site will get you started providing page
templates, tips on importing photos and java script, plus guidelines on
making your copy exciting) or (this
site offers tips, tools and links for web logs) or or page_id=OnlineWriters.
All of these portals will enable you to start your own online diary
immediately, providing some choice examples of good weblogs to get your
started, or let you peruse through the hundreds of diaries they host. The
weblog will then be given its own web address that you can chose to
advertise as you please, or it can be hyperlinked to your home page if you
have one. You can then update your blog as often as you wish. All updates
are presented in chronological order, the last entry appearing first.
Alternatively, your ISP may well provide you with free web space when you
subscribe; these pages are often used as weblogs.
Q. Can you give me an example of some weblogs
A. To give you an idea of some online gems check out and
Q. Are weblogs used for any other purpose than self-promotion
A. Usually that is the point of them, but they can be used by more than one
person for passing information more efficiently than through email. For
example, you can set up a family weblog where members of your family
(especially relevant if they are scattered around the world) can update each
other on what they've been up to ' this is a lot cheaper than using the
phone and can be accessed at any time by any member of your family. You can
also include family snaps.
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By Karen Anderson