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MAXYMOO | 17:33 Sun 02nd Mar 2008 | Destinations
7 Answers
we are going to florida for holiday soon and im told i cannot charge my camcorder over there can anyone tell me if this is right thanks


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Don't ask me to explain any of this I just got it from my son-inlaw - I asked him as we go to Florida quite often...he said with regard to your question it all depends on whether you have :
a. Compatible reference levels
b. A switch mode power supply
c. Compatible pin selection
d. A warranty for that country
Hope this helps...
Question Author
thanks for helping me with the camcorder, we have looked in the book as the camcorder is only 6months old but cant find anything.
It depends on whether your camcorder charger is dual voltage or not.

If it says on it 110 - 240 volts it should be OK. If it says something like 200-240 volts then it will burn out.

You will also probably need a plug adaptor
Question Author
thanks our charger says 110/240 so it should be ok thanks
Doh ... Actually a 240 volt one won't burn out - it will work badly or not at all (was thinking the wrong way round)

But yours will be fine as it's marked 110/240
We have a 'normal' charger that we use with an adapter and an in car charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter in a car - both work fine.
I bought a new camcorder for our Disney trip last year.
All you need to do is get a normal USA travel plug adaptor from Boots or the airport etc for �5 and plug in your camcorder charger as normal.

The only problem you might have is that the current is lower, and your camcorder battery will take longer than normal to re-charge.
I plugged mine in for an hour or two each night when I got back to the room, and it was fine for the next day.
Have fun.

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