A country larger than the USA, and immediately to the north of it with incredible resources, and a system of excellent health and social services, an open democratic and progressive society where newcomers are welcome to share in the country's prosperity and community life and are invited after 3-4 years to become Canadian citizens, equal with all other Canadians. Where the virtues of tolerance and social harmony between races and national backgrounds allows freedom for all to maintain their ethnic and cultural heritage, yet participating freely in the Canadian economy. As a result large communities of similar ethnic backgrounds exist.
So if you are wishing for a carefree and enjoyable future for yourself and your children, and to enjoy in a congenial environment an opportunity to give your children good schooling and a good education, and at the same time improving your career prospects, you may consider immigrating to Canada. Have you tried out this link where they provide a free evaluation through a voice supported form fill in?