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I am NOT a morning person...

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ciaraciara | 18:09 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
So any ideas on how to immediately perk up when I wake up? My motivation levels to get up early are zero...especially when the alarm goes off at seven and I'm all snug and cosy in bed.. Oh and I don't drink coffee or tea so please don't involve caffeine :-)


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Have a quickie.
Seven? I'm halfway to work by then! Get up Earlier, then you have time to unravel yourself before you have to start being sensible. I always get up an hour before I have to do anything, just to get my head together.
get to bed at a reasonable hour, set your alarm for a bit earlier so you dont have to rush about.
You are never ever going to get up easily - I know, I am the same.

You have to avoid the sensation of being warm and cosy - it will make getting up much harder.

Train yourself - when the clock goes off, you swing your legs out of bed and stand up.

No it's not pleasant, but it won;t feel any better if you lie there thinking about it, so just bite the proverbial bullet.

there is no easy way around this - you just have to be adult about it and do it quickly and instantly.

After a few days, the shock will ease off and youo will at least be able to do it without thinking it feels like major surgery!

For us 'night owls', there is no pleasant way of getting up - just do it!!!
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just get your arse out of bed and be grateful that come wind, rain or shine you're fit and healthy and the fact you do actually have a nice warm cosy bed to sleep in!!!!!!
a banana ?
I just throw the duvet off me and get straight in the shower. As hard as it is, after a minute or so in the shower I am usually perked up!
I only have 1 coffee a day, black with sugar straight after the shower.
Unless hungover that usually gets me going
I'm not a morning person either, I get up because I have to. I tend to think me not being a morning person is unfortunate for the people I work with but I'm ok with it... ;0)
I'm not a morning person either. My boss is well aware of this.
well..I put put my alarm clock..(one that sounds like a fire engine) at the farthest corner of the room from my bed..on a tin plate.....I can't stand the sound of I have to jump out of the bed to switch it off!
Get a radio alarm that is tuned to your favourite radio station so that when it comes on the (hopefully) upbeat DJ and music that you get early in the morning will motivate you.
I'm not a morning person either. Don't even want to talk to anyone. When I worked I sometimes used to get up with my eyes shut. Straight into the shower. Have a fruit juice, some Actimel and a slice of toast with honey during the week. Weekends bacon & egg. Hope you eat breakfast. Try going to bed earlier, that was my downfall - late nights.
I'm useless at waking up and I'm zombie-like until I have my morning installment of caffeine. I'm fine by 10am.
stumble out of bed, fall over cat, shove cat food in bowl,shower, dress walk to work, on a good day i'll still be asleep
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''have a quicky'' LOL ..

I know...I know...That was ages ago.....I'm not myself just now =)
I'm not a morning person either and I've never found a way to make it easier. It's interesting though, how folk see you as lazy because you don't like getting up in the morning. They may be in bed by 9pm and actually get a lot more sleep then you, but because they are up early they are not seen to be lazy....
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Ha I can't wait to start my new regime of getting up early... PERKY CITY!!!!!!!!!! :) Thanks guys!!
Nice to come across someone else who doesn't drink either tea or coffee. People seem to think I'm really weird because of that! I hate getting up, but I have a dog that needs to go out early in the morning. So even on the days I don't need to be up early, I have to get up, let her out, feed the cat and the dog, then I slide back into bed for a little while longer. But on the days I have to be up early for other reasons, I just don't get back into bed after the dog/cat feeding. Just tell your feet to get out of bed and the rest of the body has to follow. The brain kicks in later.

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