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anybody used couchsurfing?

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piggynose | 08:27 Sun 08th May 2011 | Travel
5 Answers
i had a look at their sight, and it seems to be full of weirdos


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u said it trim

I use a site called when I'm traveling and looking for local hosts. Besides that it's a great and free way to meet cool locals when I travel, I also like that Tripping has a lot of safety features that help you weed out the weirdos. I actually haven't encountered anyone strange on the site, but I feel safe knowing that there are references and anonymous ratings that could tip me off to anyone potentially creepy. Have a look!
I use a site called when I'm traveling and looking for local hosts. Besides that it's a great and free way to meet cool locals when I travel, I also like that Tripping has a lot of safety features that help you weed out the weirdos. I actually haven't encountered anyone strange on the site, but I feel safe knowing that there are references and anonymous ratings that could tip me off to anyone potentially creepy.
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thanx kat79, the website looks similar to couchsurfing.
will need to check out both

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anybody used couchsurfing?

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