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Americans are Self-Righteous

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nextqueen | 23:18 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | Travel
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But does the question include all Americans? Brazilians, Argentinians, Caribbeans, included.
Reminds me of that priceless conversation between Bob and Terry in "Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads".

"What do you think about the French? Cowardly.
Italians? Greasy.
Swedish? Pornographic.

Can't remember anymore. Very funny!
good point sandy, i just meant californians.
I'm with chuck what a stupid and racist question.

I take it you have met every american for you to form such an intelligent opinion
Where did Nextqueen say anything derogatory or racist? some people on this thread are being politically correct and slightly ridiculous. Nextqueen did not ask 'is every American self-righteous'. Different social groups do have different characteristics that is un-deniable so it is not an unreasonable question. I would agree with Em10 but it would seem that saying that 'all Americans are nice ' is now racist.
Is this limited to Americans who travel ?
Americans are the kindest and friendliest people in the world. If you get into a fix, hope there's an American around; they'll always offer help.
I agree with jno.. it is only some of the politicians who are self righteous.
I've only met a few Americans but I never met one I didn't like.
Of all the American people I have met when traveling in the states I found that they are mostly polite & courteous.One of the things I do admire is that they are fiercely proud of their country & show the flag everywhere ( school,office,shops,public buildings etc.) What a pity we do not do the same, it would appear nowadays that if you want to show the union flag you are regarded as either very right wing or very eccentric.Ron. ( Proudly British).
ron have you really tried to fly your flag and then received that response, or is that just conjecture ?

i think british people seem to use these excuses to not fly the flag without even having a flag or flying it.
What's wrong with being 'Self-Righteous'? And why should it be deemed racist? Similarly 'English are Patriotic' or 'Scots are dour' should not cause offence.
( Proudly British). Ditto!!!!
I have found the Americans friendly, helpful and fiercely patriotic and interested in other peoples opinions.

I have not met ALL Americans.

I respect their culture based on a meritocracy and the will to work for the "American Dream"
As i said this morning, no they are not. The most positive people i have met, they don't think its odd to show their feelings about their country, and each other. They are not paragons of virtue, just human beings, sometimes they overdo it a bit on the have a nice day, but rather that than the feeble attempt made by store staff here, half hearted, not meant, nor welcoming.
How many on here would go into a restaurant order and eat the meal that was cr@p and say nothing? Americans self righteous? NO WAY, if they think the meal was cr@p they will tell them.
TWR true, i have done it, i have had rubbish food and sent it back, or got through some and asked for the manager, no point in paying good money for bad rubbish, if people complain its likely they will pull their socks up, and chances are you will get a refund, too many restaurants get away with serving sub standard fare, expensive at that.
I`d go straight down the refund route rather than send food back. I`ve heard too many horror stories (from ex-chefs) about what they do to the food when you offend their sensibilites by sending food back.
The difference between the UK and the US though, is that even if you send the food back, in the US they will still demand their 15% minimum tip.
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thanks for all your varied replies and thoughts, im partly asking because one of the opinions we had was the fact that they have a much greater sue culture than the uk, so if they are affronted so to speak they tend to take things into hand moreso to prove they are right. they also place their hand on their heart when singing the national anthem which i love to see but they still can do wrong if you know what i mean but do they think it at the time of doing that, after all no one is perfect. i do love how they have their huge love of their identity and a great family unit and their positive attitude is to be admired.

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