I cant believe i am in this pickle, this is the first time for 10 years we have not had annual travel insurance and........we have a holiday to the maldives booked in november and were hoping to get away for a week sometime very soon but....my husband had a water infection a month or so ago, he did pass some blood and the doctor wanted him to go to hospital to have his bladder looked at, this was all fine but they want him to go for a scan on monday. I am glad they are doing this to be on the safe side but what can i do now about this holiday we are hoping for (his birthday is next week and we had hoped to be away for that) and also i need cover for november. what should or can i do? He feels he is absolutely fine now. But when he went to the doctors for this he asked about help for giving up smoking which he is doing really well with - he gave up on 30th June after being quite a heavy smoker for 40+ years and he is getting a little depressed because of this, i think he is doing really well and deserves a holiday, i think it would do him the world of good but now feel i am in a bit of a pickle! Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated.
we all have medical issues. You will be expected to declare it to an insurer and they'll probably refuse to cover it (so if it recurs while you're abroad you might have to pay for treatment yourselves) but will otherwise insure you. Is this likely to be a big deal? If it does look likely to recur perhaps you should consider cancelling the trip?
Bobbisox were you then not covered for that particular problem? which insurance company did you use? its good to hear of someone else being in the same situation thanks for answering.
We used a company which I think was called insure direct travel or something like that. My wife has 3 medical conditions and she was insured for skiing.
right BB, back again, we were with our bank but since hubby is now 70 the premium was 'silly money'
The condition I speak of happened when we were covered with the bank and as long as I declared it and assure them it wasn't ongoing, all was fine, I got the best quote for my hubby from Staysure, he also is a diabetic, Good luck x
Even if you'd had an annula policy you would have had to tell them about your husband's medical investigations. If you hadn't they would refuse to pay if it reoccurred.
The Post Office has won an award for the best travel insurance provider for the last 5 years running. You could always give them a ring and see what they say.
We use Go Travel Insurance - you tell them your condition and agree that it won't be covered, but you're still covered for any other medical incidents etc