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Taking a parachute on a plane

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Carlhobson | 19:27 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | Travel
144 Answers
Im a bad flyer and am terrified of the plane crashing so would like to take a parachute onboard as my hand luggage or as part of my luggage allowance, Would this cause a problem getting through security, would this be allowed onto the flight? Would this even be viable idea as I heard there are pressure and locks which are there to stop someone opening the plane but would these be relaxed or opened if the plane was going down?


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Chris is right with all 4 points. You would not be allowed to take this on board with you.
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Thanks for all your answers it does look extremely unlikely but worth asking.
Redcrx I'd obviously learn if it was allowed.
Postdog so a question regarding an irrational fear which has the possibility to save your life is silly?
LOL, Chris ...

Being sucked into one of the engies would be, err ... disappointing?

Carl ... you are more likely to be killed on the way to the airport, than you are in the air!
self centrism
Bibblebub's made the answer of the week, it's epic!
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"I worked for an ailine for 3 years and the answer is No to all of your questions. If you feel so bad about it DON'T FLY"
Mazie your attitude and customer service clearly tells me that you used to work for easyjet, though i doubt you'd admit it.
a parachute on a commercial flight is a waste of time. If it was that simple then all planes would carry them just as they carry life jackets, by the time the plane is at a low enough altitude to allow the doors to be jetisonned you would be a few seconds from impact.
Also the doors are positioned for easy loading of passengers, not the safe departure of a parachutist. Chances are you would hit the wings or tail fins so not a good idea.
Spend your money on some therapy and get the doctor to prescribed tranquillisers to help you overcome your fear. Just be careful going to the doctors or chemists as your chances of dying in a road related incident are significantly higher than those of being involved in a plane crash.
I like EasyJet.

As with most people, it's RyanAir whom i can't stand.
stupidest question i have ever seen posted! if my brain worked like that, i'd be quite worried...x
mazie is right though, if you cant cope then dont fly. a hysterical passenger on a flight could be a danger to all.
to get anyone to admit to working for easyjet you are going to have to pay extra
If you learnt to use a parachute you would have to go in a plane a couple of times, therefore curing you of your fear of flying so you wouldn't need a parachute on a big plane.
lcg- you obviously haven't seen the plethora of stunners today? There's the blokes mum who got bitten on the gob by a monkey, the rat like sewer children, alien abductions oh and not forgetting the giant albino moles in their garden.
wouldn't that mean you'd have to take loads of flights?
Nope...It was 38 years ago and as far as I know Easyjet was just a twinkle in someones eye back then ;o)
did you not see the guy who kicked his dog out of an 18th floor window, B00? I missed the albino moles
Yeah i obviously did Red, and glad i did too! Hate things like that, even as a "joke".
How can you miss albino moles?..........they stand out a mile........:o)
Boo, assumed it was same joker.

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Taking a parachute on a plane

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