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Places to go to in January

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ruthandsam | 20:02 Fri 23rd Nov 2012 | Travel
29 Answers
It's my sons 21st birthday in Jan and he's not one for parties but has asked that he, hubby and I go somewhere together for a couple of nights. Now going abroad might be a nice idea or even somewhere special in England.

Anyone got any suggestions? We went to London with him for his 18th and he loved it but it would be nice if we could go somewhere else. Don't want to spend too much.

Many thanks


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If you want to stay in the UK region, I would say Edinburgh or failing that, Dublin. You could always just have a nice dinner somewhere and save the weekend away until the spring when your options will be wider.
Definitely Edinburgh, I'd run at it given half the chance.
Summer is the best time to visit London, London is one of the most favorite city among the tourist. There are so many holiday destinations in London including Eltham place, Richmond Park, Tate Modern, Thames, london Eye, London Market and many more.
Apart from this you can also choose to Maldives and South Africa for Luxury holiday tours.

Edinburgh is a nice option to visit with son and hubby. Stating down some attractions which you and your kid can enjoy:

Gilmerton Cove
Auld Reekie Tours - Terror Tour
National Museum of Scotland - Fascinating Mummies
The Cadies & Witchery Tours - Murder & Mystery Tour
National Museum of Scotland - Catherine The Great
Greenyonder Tours - Hidden Gardens of the Royal Mile
The Edinburgh Dungeon
Edinburgh Zoo
The Queen's Gallery (Palace of Holyroodhouse) The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years

Also I checked through for your flight tickets for 3 people that will cost you around £261.18.

Happy Birthday to your son in advance. Enjoy your holidays.
Alice- you clearly like that flight company
I would suggest for India, November to March are the best time to visit here, This is the time when travellers to experiences the incredible culture of this country, Beach lover could select Goa as the holiday destinations, India really offers plenty of reasons to plan holiday tours.

cornwall is lovely all year round.. very scenic as well as being open to the elements.. its got alot of nightlife in places like st ives lovely resturants in padstow, and the eden project is great all year round.. give it a go..
It is tourist time here in Edinburgh all year round now, lots to see and do ..but if you want accommodation in the city it can be expensive..there are loads of premier inns etc on the peripheries with a 15/25 min bus trip into Princes st..loads of buses that run 'till very late and night services too... better value in my opinion..if you want I can send on lists of these to you...

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