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linda88 | 19:26 Sun 20th Jan 2013 | Travel
7 Answers
can anyone tell me please how to find out the email address of a hotel in menorca


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16:19 Mon 21st Jan 2013
Have you googled the name of the hotel and part of the address?
I assume you mean a particular hotel not any hotel.
As in the UK, many hotels don't publish their email addresses (or there's just a central email address for the whole chain). So you might find it impossible to get what you're seeking. (Somewhat perversely, the only way to get an email address for many hotels is to find their phone number and then ring them to ask for their email address!).

However, if you tell us the name of the hotel, we'll see if we can find some contact details for you.

Try looking on TripAdvisor. If the hotel you want has been reviewed then there is a chance that the address and e-mail address will be there. Failing that just ask a question on the Menorca forum. I have put the link on below.
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hotel Carlos 111,Es Castell,menorca.many thanks
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marvellous thanks

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