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Fao Ireallywannago

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237SJ | 21:32 Sat 19th Oct 2013 | Travel
4 Answers
Have you had your visa interview yet? If so, how did it go? Mine only lasted about 5 minutes and most of that was spent talking about my job and the shutdown in the US. From what I guaged, it`s very much down to who interviews you on the day (within guidelines of course). The official typed away madly on his keyboard and told me there and then that my visas had been granted. Good luck.


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are all decisions made on the spot like that, or do some get referred back to Washington?
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They are made on the spot (from what I can deduce) It`s a bit like having a job interview - you can put your case and if you put your case well, you might impress.
There are several possibilities::

approved on the spot

denied on the spot but with the offer of sending to Washington for further consideration - the implication being it could well be approved

denied on the spot and told not worth sending to Washington

and probably innumerable shades in between

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