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Advance Rail Tickets When Engineering Work On.

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katystar | 21:36 Sat 24th Jan 2015 | Travel
5 Answers
I'm wanting to travel late afternoon from Liverpool to Carlisle on Saturday 21st February.There seems to be advance tickets earlier in the day but none later on.Because my journey will be disrupted (bus for part of the way) I thought I'd be able to buy a reasonably priced ticket now.Does anyone know if I waited a little longer some advance tickets will be made available? Many thanks.


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No, when they're gone, they're gone.
As BAV suggests, it's extremely unlikely that any Advance tickets will be offered at a later date, so you're stuck with paying £47.00 unless you split your tickets:

If 1628 (or earlier) is a suitable departure time for you, you can book from Liverpool to Lancaster for £18.50 (arriving 1855) and from Lancaster to Carlisle for £9.20 (only available on the 1914 departure, arriving 2010), making a total of £27.70.

If that's not convenient for you, your best option would be to book Liverpool to Preston for £12.70 and Preston to Carlisle for £23.20, giving you a total fare of £35.90.
Question Author
Thanks.I'll try splitting the ticket as you suggest.That will be a little cheaper.
that there are no "advance" fares later in the day on the 21st is a deliberate ploy by virgin trains. at 12h00, the line beyond preston closes and buses replace trains for the rest of the day between preston and Lancaster. virgin don't want to encourage the casual traveler (by offering cheap fares) at times when there is bound to be disruption. which is why they'd rather you travel in the morning, and the available fares reflect this.
Question Author
Thanks for that explanation.I can understand it now.Its just unfortunate I need to travel at that time on that day.Just have to pay up and be happy! Think by splitting my ticket I might save a little bit though.

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