I would not take my family to any Muslim country at the moment, although you could still be in danger of Terrorist attacks in Britain,there is no need to Court danger. Probably some of the safest places to holiday are the Canadian Rockies or Japan,both of which we hopefully will be visiting this year.
Well, you can't travel to Tunisia at the moment for a holiday. I wouldn't go to anywhere the FO was advising against. I've just come back from a very relaxing holiday in Turkey where I twice had a Barber experience which involved a Muslim man using a very sharp blade around my neck.
What would the travel insurance premiums be, i wonder? Always assuming, f course, that it would be possible to get insurance in the first place when travelling to such destinations.
I just wouldn't go to a majority Muslim country. I don't think I'd ever go again after being called a sllag in a small town by a boy that looked no older than 7.....in Egypt.
I'm not in the slightest bit afraid. For one reason or another the majority of my holidays in the past ten years have been to Muslim countries and I wouldn't let recent events stop me from visiting them now.
I have also visited countries against FO advice, travel insurance was not a problem.
I can't see the point in going to a country where you need an armed guard just to go on the beach safely. To me a holiday is to relax and visit interesting places without having to look over your shoulder every few minutes.