News1 min ago
Travel Times And Distance Needed.
Hi, all. We haven't had a holiday for nearly 3 years. We can go for a week from 17/9 with small dog in tow.
We've found a cottage in Tarbert, Argyll & Bute, which fits the bill and is available. We live in E. Yorks. and I've spent ages trying to discover travel times and distances. Can anyone help, please, before it gets booked, but if it too far than we have to carry on looking. Thanks to anyone. :)
We've found a cottage in Tarbert, Argyll & Bute, which fits the bill and is available. We live in E. Yorks. and I've spent ages trying to discover travel times and distances. Can anyone help, please, before it gets booked, but if it too far than we have to carry on looking. Thanks to anyone. :)
http:// www. theaa. com/ route- planner/ index. jsp# fromNode= 0% 7CDriffield% 7C% 7C- 0. 443377% 7C54. 005996% 7CtoNode= 0% 7CTarbert% 7C% 7C- 5. 415608% 7C55. 863246
21:27 Sun 21st Aug 2016
type your details in here..
http:// www.the route-p lanner/ index.j sp
I got 6 hours to Tarbert at the head of Loch Lomond - but this is a different one at the head of the Mull of Kintyre - across the water from Lochgilphead.
For some reason I can't find Google maps, possibly because this computer came with EDGE installed. Tearing hair.
That looks a possibility Baldric, thanks.
For some reason I can't find Google maps, possibly because this computer came with EDGE installed. Tearing hair.
That looks a possibility Baldric, thanks.
Hull to Tarbert, head of Mull of Kintyre, 6 hours 25
https:/ /www.go .uk/map s/dir/H ull,+UK /Tarber t/@54.8 775775, -5.1336 239,7z/ data=!3 m1!4b1! 4m13!4m 12!1m5! 1m1!1s0 x47d620 8f7c016 0ad:0x6 d447e9d 82f130f f!2m2!1 d-0.336 7413!2d 53.7456 709!1m5 !1m1!1s 0x48898 5e164c2 03e5:0x 2c03475 eb5a9a2 0f!2m2! 1d-5.41 5608!2d 55.8632 46