3 weeks in Japan ! It is going to be such fun as my two sons with one of their girlfriends are going at that time too. We won't overcrowd them, but I can predict some entertaining evenings. We will stay a few days in Tokyo ( with the dreaded SIL) , but plan to travel around. Anyone done Japan and have any recomendations ? Mr.Sam doesn't like Kyoto, too touristy. The previous times we have been, we never could manage more than a week away from work, so always stayed in Tokyo. To tell the truth, I cannot remember having a 3 week holiday !
Sam, so very jealous, my parents spent some time there before moving to HK, unfortunately I was there as a nipper so remember nothing - perhaps sometime I will get back
Thanks RR, you must make the effort. Flights used to be prohibitive , but now you can get really good prices. And as long as you keep away from tourist traps, eating and drinking is the same as here.
Looks like a fair bit of etiquette is required learning before getting in the rotenburo.
Not sure the wife would want to display her thruppnies for all to see although I see there are milky coloured waters in some.
NO Tattoos. Wife and I are OK but the two kids will scare the living daylights out the locals. They look like Samurai.
Don't put your head or hair under the water. Fair enough.
I would give it a bash. Looks fun.