As I read it, people living in England have no restriction on the distance they can travel. Including travel into Wales and Scotland for leisure. But have read Cumbria police are fining and turning drivers away from going into Scotland. When each country has different laws it adds to confusion.
Another complication is that the Scotland changes take place from today. England's second easing doesn't take effect until Monday.
Everything is getting more complicated now- different rules about group sizes, different rules about using toilets in someone's house, England trips of unlimited length but Wales trips limited to 5 miles.
I'm awaiting the more detailed guidance that should follow about travel across borders. Our family is spread between different parts of UK so I fear we still may not be allowed to cross borders to meet up. But maybe they're allowed to come into England
Thanks emmie. I see it says
"A legal limit will not be put on how far people will be allowed to travel for recreation but the First Minister said the “strong advice” of the Scottish Government was to stay within five miles." So if someone lives 100 miles from the English border they may be strongly discouraged from travelling into England.
I can't see anything there about people being allowed/not allowed to enter Scotland from England. I expect more detail will follow but will effectively prevent it.
The politics is keeping families apart
As I expressed in an earlier thread, I don't believe that powers regarding nationwide problems, such as pandemics, should have been devolved. One needed to check which decisions were best made at a national level, and which could better be made more locally/regionally. Difficult to put genii back into their bottles though.
yeah and what happens in the houses which straddle the border
that is what I want to know
you know my head sleeps in scortland and my feet in dear old blighty
//Another complication is that the Scotland changes take place from today. England's second easing doesn't take effect until Monday.
Everything is getting more complicated now- different rules about group sizes, different rules about using toilets in someone's house, England trips of unlimited length but Wales trips limited to 5 miles.//
Oh the joys of devolution! I wonder if Mr Blair is looking at all this thinking "Gosh! I didn't think of that when I came up with my hare-brained scheme to allow my devolved administrations powers which effect people across the UK."
they have learnt slowly and painfully that unity is better and less confusing !
and also Nicola S has been asked a lot:
every little blip in Covid ( but not killing the people in Skye] and you say "and THAT is why we must be independent" - but you dont run the country
and our Nicola has taken THAT on board
// Gosh! I didn't think of t ............ administrations powers which effect people across the UK."//
he was told tho
and that the two would find ever such little differences in policy just to show they were doing their stuff and spending the admin money and taxes "wisely"
what all the wide heads said would come to pass has not come to pass and what all the damned fools in the kingdom said would happen has happened
Palmerston on the Gt Reform Bill ?
Nicola is doing a good job of showing she's doing her own thing rather than following England. EVen things that are very similar have to be made slightly different. Boris has a road map so Nicola has a route map. England has track and trace- Scotland has Track and Protect.
Scotland criticise England for not having a lockdown exit strategy- England then publishes andimplements one and Scotland decides it's too early and does it a few weeks later.
I suppose if we can drive anywhere and in Scotland & Wales it is only 5 miles, we can drive to the borders, but when we get there we would only be able to drive 5 miles into the country!!
Sorry boys and girls but the UK is a single nation. The scatterbrain who decided it should become a federation of four parishes when it clearly is a single nation needs to be brought to book. (Oh! I forgot. He joined in a war probably illegally and nothing much happened about that, so I'll not hold my breath).
At the start of this pandemic the devolved powers that the three minor players had concerning health and security should have been withdrawn for the duration. One lot of badly thought out rules is bad enough. But for people in the border areas to have to cope with this farcical nonsense on top of everything else is simply intolerable.