Secret Santa in The AnswerBank: Travel
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Secret Santa

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fruitsalad | 15:11 Thu 09th Nov 2023 | Travel
16 Answers

We have decided on this, this year less of a headache, hopefully,  there is 6 of us and one, is off to Thailand later that day, does anyone have any ideas on a present around ten pounds, (that's the agreed amount give or take a pound or two) that would be useful on her journey.

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Anything from Thai Rack.

Thailand?  An attack alarm?

A neck pillow or posh eyeshades for the flight.

Portable mobile phone charger

I was thinking of a luxury  moisture cream/lotion  because skin dries out on long flights, but of course that wouldn't be allowed in hand luggage now.  I'm presuming she's flying.  


A bit more expensive

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=787fb2b7bfc629dec5a02e2b4b51d836&content-id=amzn1.sym.25f7c301-a223-4ff8-91c9-accfeab9fda8%3Aamzn1.sym.25f7c301-a223-4ff8-91c9-accfeab9fda8&hsa_cr_id=4265846180802&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=6a3a7f09-b92a-4872-b399-9a8750aad7fc&pd_rd_w=QMISO&pd_rd_wg=FfC7H&qid=1699544053&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_2_img&sr=1-3-e0fa1fdd-d857-4087-adda-5bd576b25987&th=1

Don't know what happened there!

Does she travel often?

Lots of ideas on Amazon. Eg Foot hammock if not in business class, lotions, phone kits

50 Shades of Grey book 

If that wouldn't tickle her fancy, how about an adult colouring book for the flight or a puzzle book.

Lightweight washable mules.  It's great tonight your shoes off when flying but not great for bare feet when you need the loo.


 A great book for reading on the flight (and tips for if the worst happens). 

HEALTH WARNING: It encouraged my aerophobia.

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=sr_1_3?crid=1C7I25N4O1H9N&keywords=wake+up+it%27s+a+crash&qid=1699546062&sprefix=wake+up+it%27s+a+crash%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-3

I would recommend to buy her a new beach bag, or something for beach, like a towel, hat.

But the OP said something useful for the journey.

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