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UK to Australia by sea

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ecosse3 | 14:58 Sun 14th May 2006 | Travel
5 Answers
Does anyone know of a shipping company that takes fare paying passengers from UK to Australia.


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There are also cruise liners that do round-the-world trips, but rather more expensive

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Many thanks jno I will check it out

Try this ecosse.

If you click on 'Learn more about freighter cruises', then on the right under 'voyages' click Aus & NZ, you get some cruises people have done. On e is Tilbury to Melbourne in 49 days. You should be able to find some info on these pages.

Hi - ahve a look at as one option

If you google freighter cruise you get a load of possibles.

If you are near a port, speak to the shippnig and freight lines there and they will also advise which freighters will carry passengers/itinerary. You may get owners cabins, or just passenger cabins, but it is certainly a possibility to travel like this.

Some of the ships even have swimming pools, etc so its not like sailing for 6 weeks looking at containers.

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Thanks sddsddean and nickmo I will get onto it

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UK to Australia by sea

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