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GlitteryPink | 16:44 Fri 16th Jun 2006 | Travel
3 Answers
Any comments on Croatia? Is it better for a proper summer holiday or a weekend break?


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beaches mostly rock or pebble except in the extreme south, but hotels do have pools. The many islands are lovely; Zagreb is an interesting city worth a day or two, and Dubrovnik is gorgeous. Not sure how far that answers your question; it depends what sort of holiday you have in mind.

It depends on your interests, as jno says. To me, it was worth crossing into Bosnia and spending a day in Mostar. Many buildings are still shells and those that are still standing bear the marks of the war. Every grass verge and other grass space in the city has been taken over for graves. Not what you usually do on holiday, but seeing how the rest of the world lives stops us moaning about our own country for a while. And the locals desperately need the income.

The Adriatic islands were largely unaffected by the war and are lovely. They used a lot of the holiday hotels on the mainland coast as refugee accommodation for many years and are now just starting to rebuild the tourist industry. There was a thriving tourist industry and infrastructure through organisations like Yugotours before the break-up and war, so they are used to having tourists. Can do weekend breaks through Split or Dubovnik, or Zagreb for a city break. Tourists are currently mainly German who never ceased going to the coast apart from when the bombs were actually falling. Depends on what you like, I guess

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