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Camping Carnet

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FREDDERIC | 19:19 Fri 23rd Jun 2006 | Travel
2 Answers
I am off camping in France this summer and am going to take pot luck without booking Do I need a camping carnet and if so where is the best place to get one from. Thank you xxxx


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I get mine free when I get my foreign travel insurance from the caravan club. tml

I tried googling camping carnet and it seems to come with some form of insurance. The information on the link above is quite good and explains why a CC would be useful.
i've been to france 6 times and never bothered with a carnet.there are loads of sites all over the place and they usually just need one passport instead of a carnet. make sure that you don't give them the one needed for cashing travellers cheques.
have loads of fun. it's a great place to just mooch about and do loads of wine tasting!!! and the road side stalls are great for fresh fruit & veg as you travel towards the next site.

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