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Hand luggage

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hopalong | 20:37 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Travel
5 Answers
I am confused. We are told we can't carry certain items on all flights. I like to drink bottled water during my flight but it seems I can no longer do this. But it seems if I buy water, or anything eles banned, AFTER going through security then its fine. So can I or can't T take water onto a plane?


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yes if you buy it from duty free after youve passed through security, presumably it should be a sealed bottle you take on board. Unless you are travelling to the States in which case you wouldnt be allowed to take any on at all and would be expected to buy it during your flight
also, check with your airline: some of them hand out water en route
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Thanks to you both
I flew back from Spain on tuesday with easyjet and lighters were the only thing not allowed on board

Bit p!ssed off really as it was worth a few quid!!!
i flew home on friday. The airline werent allowing any liquids on or lighters. Which includes lipgloss lipstick and mascara! However once through security anything bought it duty free can be taken on the plane! =]

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