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photos of inside airlines

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kimsmum | 17:40 Sat 26th Aug 2006 | Travel
4 Answers
Does anyone know the site which shows pictures of seats and meals served in all sections of all airlines?


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Don't think they photos of the aircraft on here, but they do of meals plus loads of airline/airport reviews by passengers. Have a browse around.
i use when i book seats - gives a breakdown of the best/worst seats and all the pro's and con's of all the seats and an overview of meals and amenities on all carriers and plane types - try it.
Use to search for aircraft interior shots. The website now has well over a million photographs of airaft in general and many of these are cabin shots, so it is well worth a look. Use the search function to search for an airline and be sure to select "cabin" as the type of shot that you are after.

Also, for meals, take a look at Members of the public have taken photos of the food that airlines have served them and uploaded them to the internet. It's an interesting, and clearly very useful, website!

As sddsddean said, the SkyTrax website is great. They are the people who give an airline a quality rating, ranging from 1 (for terrible) up to 5 (for excellent), so it might be worth seeing how the airline you are flying with scores. You can use the site to see which airlines have won various awards in recent years, too.
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Thanks to all who answered me, you were all a great help

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photos of inside airlines

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