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holiday to U.S.A

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suziaston197 | 08:30 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Travel
4 Answers
Do i need a visa to gain enrty to the u.s.a we are going there for a weeks hols we are both british citizen and have both machine readable passports but only one has a digital photograph and the other not any help?


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It depends on the issue date of your passports:

before 26 October 2005 - machine readable

26 October 2005-25 October 2006 - machine readable and digital photograph

26 October 2006 onwards - biometric chip.

All British passports meet these standards, with the exception of a few issued at Embassies years ago which have probably long expired.
To make it clear - if your passport meets the above requirements, you do not need a visa, but will be able to apply for a visa waiver on arrival.

In the unlikely event of your passport not meeting the above requirements, then you will need to apply for a visa in advance.
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Thank you dzug
to make it clearer my passport was issued 09.06.2005 and has a digital photo and machine readable the husbands was issued on 03.08.2000 no digital photo and is machine readable so do you think we would gain entry on the visa waiver program i await any reply on this matter
Yes - your passports are entirely within the rules for a visa waiver.

No one can guarantee you will get in but if you don't it will not be because of your passports.

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