...and shame on you too,
Robinina - just when people had stopped looking sternly at me. Yes Sweden is full of sexy vegetarians, just as you saw on that picture of me sleeping in front of the telly. I didn't win the polls, though,
this guy did. The sign says to stop bloody bullfighting, and he also suggests running nudes instead of running bulls in Pamplona. I've heard him on the radio, he's got a beautiful mind. Shame about the body.
True, your squeaking has not gone unnoticed either,
Robinia, although if you've described the causes in detail, I have not seen those posts. (That's not an inquisitive question, just a piece of information.) I am positively sending over that YouTube trampoline fox (remember?) to thump on your mattress, but don't blame me when you crash through the ceiling.
"When my ship comes in..." I've got an entire armada out there,
Vinny... Your lost in the post story reminded me of a heartbreaking, true story I heard maybe thirty years ago. It's incredibly sad but I'll tell it anyway as it does have something to say. But that's a story for another day, the library will be closing soon. / Did your mother ever hear the end of it?
Bye now!